The illo for “All the Songs”―assembled by me, actually, using elements courtesy of Liam Andrew and Dai Mar Tamarack. Not too long ago—back before Covid took me out for the holidays— I attended the BUG’s latest fiction launch, sharing drinks with a horde of her fans and students from all walks of life. One such […]
Author Archive
Born in Pain and Sweat and Pee: the 2024 Gallery Update
I have been wracked by COVID over the last ten days. If I’m not hot enough to set paper aflame, I’m wet enough to single-handedly power a water slide. Throughout the night, every 25 minutes on the dot, I shed my own body mass in sweat like some kind of human hagfish. I take desperate […]
“The Pilot Enters the Core.
The Core enters the pilot. Ventilators boot up, hydraulics whisper reassurance, control surfaces flicker to life. Straps and webbing cinch tight, securing him to the command chair. Haptic controllers flex around his fingers; awakening subsystems chirp in readiness. The headrest jack snaps into his cervical socket. It’s as though he’s been holding his breath for […]
Ass Man.
Which is what we called “Asset Management” behind the scenes, while I was writing it. Of course, back then I didn’t know I was writing it for Keanu fucking Reeves. Apparently they mentioned my name on some ComicCon panel about a month ago, which effectively lifted the embargo (“Brag #2” was as far as I […]
Meet the New Boss. Same as the Old Boss.
“In 1933, people were not fooled by propaganda. They elected a leader who openly disclosed his plans with great clarity. The Germans elected me… ordinary people who chose to elect an extraordinary man, and entrust the fate of the country to him. “What do you want to do, Sawatzki? Ban elections?” —Adolph Hitler, “Er Ist […]
Some People Just Want to Watch the Internet Burn.
A Blast from the Past: Cyberspace lasted a bit longer— but space implies great empty vistas, a luminous galaxy of icons and avatars, a hallucinogenic dreamworld in 48-bit color. No sense of the meatgrinder in cyberspace. No hint of pestilence or predation, creatures with split-second lifespans tearing endlessly at each others’ throats. Cyberspace was a […]
The Three-Bragger Problem
Preamble: OK, I lied. Said last time that this time was gonna be about science, and no more of this fluffy promo bullshit. And I meant well. But this time, the fluffy promo is about me. And it’s cool. And more to the point, I don’t have to spend hours doing research on things I […]
Two-Step Forwards, Ten Years Back
I know, I know. Two pimpage posts in a row. Not my usual shtick, and I assure you not any kind of new normal; the stars just aligned that way this time around. For what it’s worth, next time I expect to be talking about Darwinian evolution in digital ecosystems, complete with a tortured retcon […]
Alevtina and Tamara and Lyonka, Oh My!
(As usual, click on any of the following images to embiggen. Although I really shouldn’t have to be telling anyone that.) You might have seen a dude by the name of Dimitry SkoLzki hanging around the gallery hereabouts. He did these distinctive black-and-white sketches—they have an almost almost wood-cut vibe—inspired by characters and events in […]
Meet the New Boss. Same as the Old Boss.
—Our Father, Who Art in… But father‘s out of style, isn’t it? They call you The Admin now. The Board. Creation was a group project. I don’t know how they know that, but apparently there are a lot of you. Maybe I should call you Odin, or Thor. Or—Loki, given the way things are falling […]