Fear Me.

Look at this title-page from a recent technical publication. Look at the Institutional affiliation. Look at it, bitches:

That’s right. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. The Black Ops Capital of the western hemisphere. The guys who sell their obsolete cast-offs to IMF.

Now look at this extract from the actual report (you may have to click on the image for a readable view):

Oh, yes. That’s me in there. That’s my books. I’ve got a fan in Livermore.

So if any of you should encounter me on the street, or at a con, you might want to offer to buy me a beer. Because you never know when someone might have an advanced-prototype death-ray device under their coats, courtesy of one of their eyes-only-black-ops fans. And it can never hurt to keep someone like that happy.

For example, My Elves are Different makes me happy. That guy knows what side his bread’s buttered on.

This entry was posted on Monday, January 28th, 2008 at 4:35 pm and is filed under misc. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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16 years ago

Now look at this extract from the actual report (you may have to click on the image for a readable view):

I have to take your word for it since I can’t read the text, but after reading Blindsight, I don’t need no further threats… 😉

16 years ago

Because you never know when someone might have an advanced-prototype death-ray device under their coats, courtesy of one of their eyes-only-black-ops fans.

For this reason will you ever accept the drink offer, unsure of who is asking, and what is beneath their coat? 😉

16 years ago

Please never change this blog. I almost laughed out loud at work reading this thing.

16 years ago

Sweet! You hit the ego-surf mother-lode.

Jeremy Ruhland
Jeremy Ruhland
16 years ago

Good news: you’ve got a fan at Livermore.
Bad news: it’s the Relational Database server.

16 years ago

Kind of terrifying really. Hope he’s not working on bringing any of the deadly machineries in your books to life. Like that creepy bot that burned the baby in the crib, that scene will haunt me forever. THANKS. ; p

16 years ago

If i remember correctly, the “creepy bot” was just another botfly. I always envisioned them along these lines (in terms of form and function):


(keep in mind though that HL2 came out three years after Maelstrom)

Peter Watts
Peter Watts
16 years ago

Craig said…

For this reason will you ever accept the drink offer, unsure of who is asking, and what is beneath their coat? 😉

Nah, that’s not necessary. Us death-ray-proto-types, we got a secret handshake.

Anonymous said…

Please never change this blog.

Fine. I would have thought that people might have wanted, you know, updates and new postings— but leaving it unchanged would free up a fair bit of time…

Jeremy Ruhland said…

Good news: you’ve got a fan at Livermore.
Bad news: it’s the Relational Database server.

Today it’s the relational database server. Tomorrow, who knows? These things always start small.

Nicholas said…

If i remember correctly, the “creepy bot” was just another botfly. I always envisioned them along these lines (in terms of form and function) … (keep in mind though that HL2 came out three years after Maelstrom)

Actually, I know one of those HL guys. He’s a fan. Maybe I could sue Valve or something, for ripping off my idea. (It would have to go better than the time I sued Chris Carter for sticking me into Millennium without permission…)

Branko Collin
Branko Collin
16 years ago

“Look at it, bitches”

Somebody is obviously having her period.